Sunday, May 20, 2012

An Unexpected Reunion

On Wednesday, we took the team to visit with Chieftainess Mwenda.  It was a really neat time in which the Chief shared her vision for the people of Chikankata.  It was also a reunion of sorts.

Jeremy Gibson, a retired doctor from the UK, had lived and served in Zambia in 1994.  He worked at the Salvation Army Clinic and can you guess who his head nurse was at the time?  Before being a chief, chieftainess Mwenda worked as a nurse at this same clinic.  Her and the doctor worked very closely together for quite some time.

Upon her coming in the room, Luke asked her if she noticed someone in the room, an old friend.  She looked around and caught eyes with Dr. Gibson in the corner of the room.  He spoke up and said that she might remember him with more hair, to which she started laughing in agreement.  It was great to hear her talk in depth about her life before becoming chief of Chikankata.

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