Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Something Funny

The other night, I was out for coffee with two of my friends here in Zambia (Luke Whitfield and Todd Meyer). On our way home, we stopped to fuel up the car. As we were sitting there and the gas was being pumped, we noticed some Zambians catching these rather large grasshoppers that were attracted to a nearby light. They were catching them for food! Yes, grasshoppers are eaten by many people here.

Anyways, as we talked with these guys, we began to hear Luke gagging profusely in the back seat. Luke got the bright idea that he wanted to identify with these Zambians in this endeavor of eating grasshoppers. So, he took one and, on the spot, popped it into his mouth and began to chew. The end result was many tears from me and Todd as we were laughing uncontrollably at Luke's gagging and a puke stain down the side of Todd's car as Luke eventually threw up. Gross, but extremely funny!


G r a h a m said...

Did you get a photo!

G r a h a m said...

Did you get a photo!