Sunday, August 24, 2008

I think we're winning the war

This afternoon, Kerri came inside with the laundry, which had just been cleaned.  When she got it out of the dryer, she noticed a different smell in the laundry room.  She said it smelled like a dead animal.  So in stepped Brent to save the day.  I went out to the laundry and pulled the dryer away from the wall and looked in the vent and sure enough, there was a little furry dead rat.  We figured it had been there at least a day or two.  What stinks, besides the dead rat, was that we had to wash all of the clothes again and the ones that we had washed, we had to hang to dry.

Since we've laid poison out, I think we've killed about 5 adults and two babies.  So, I hope this is evidence that we are winning the war with these little critters!

1 comment:

Princess Abigail said...

How does God feel about you poisoning 'these little critters'?