Monday, May 12, 2008

Something Funny

Not much has happened recently that was blog worthy.  So, I went back to the recesses of my mind to pull out something funny to write about--my first meeting with Michael Kandela.  Luke and myself were having our first meeting when Michael told us that we both reminded him of different people, both of which are celebrities.  He told Luke that he looked like John Seena (don't know if I spelled that correctly or not).  John Seena is a buff wrestler that wrestles with the WWF.  (By the way, the WWF is huge here, everyone watches it.  But that's another blog.)  Then he got to me.  He said that I reminded him of Mr. Bean!  Luke gets the buff wrestler, I get Mr. Bean.  When I later preached at his church, I asked the congregation who I looked like, and with one accord, they all said Mr. Bean.  What do you think?


Bobby said...


The spelling is "Cena".

Hou-Yin Chang :-)
Deut 31:6-8

Unknown said...

He's mistaken Mr. Bean much more buff than you are. Also it's WWE not WWF now. World Wrestling Entertainment, BROTHER!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Randy... Mr. Bean is more buff than you... and you both wear tighty-whities.... whooooops too much information..