This morning, we went as a family back to the orphanage. We took balloons and coloring books. This time most of the children remembered us. Lydia was one of the first into the room and ran over to greet me. As the children came into the room, we began blowing up balloons. Caleb and Gracyn handed me balloons while I tried to blow them up as quickly as possible. Kerri went over to the table in the living room and broke out the coloring books. As the children got a balloon, they would then head over to the table to color. It was fun watching these children who have nothing light up when we brought them something as simple as coloring books and balloons. It was also fun watching our children interact and minister to these orphans. Gracyn really enjoyed playing with some of the younger children. She had a few little boys who she was chasing around and tickling and they loved it. They just kept giggling. And Caleb was Mr. Helpful. He would fetch new balloons when the children popped the ones that we first gave them. He also got involved in a game of chase outside with some of the older children. Seeing our children involved in ministry was truly a blessing and one in which we probably experienced too little of back in the States.
One of our fellow missionaries and friends here recently expressed a similar sentiment about his children being involved in ministry. I thought it would be good to highlight his thoughts from his blog, as they are some of the same thoughts that God has been bringing to my heart and mind. In his blog, he wrote:
“This got me wondering about how strategic we are in preparing our kids to serve and minister when they get older. We have soccer and horseback riding and music class and this club and that club which are great. But, I just wonder how will they learn how to love the poor and serve the hurting and minister to the world if it isn't a priority of our family growing up. If all they have ever known was serving the poor, being uncomfortable and watching God work through them, I think they would be adequately prepared to live out Ephesians 2:10! I was challenged by this because I think sometimes I try to entertain my children and give them opportunities when I should be not only giving them lots of opportunities to serve but also showing them how to do it as I serve right alongside them. (”
Next week, we will be going back to begin to teach the children some of the stories from the Bible. Caleb and Gracyn will be acting the stories out while we hope to get one of the house mothers to translate for us into Nyanja. Please pray for us. Pray that our children would come to a fuller understanding of the gospel as we minister to these orphans and pray that we would clearly communicate the love of Christ to these children. Pray also for our interaction with the house help and social worker. Pray that we would be able an example of Christ to them as well.
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