Saturday afternoon, Luke and I headed over to the farm next to us to do some training for an upcoming outreach event. We were training the leaders of two different churches that meet at this school on the farm on two things. In the first hour, I covered "The Basics of the Gospel" and in the second hour, Luke covered "Who We Are As Christians."
It was a wonderful time of sharing and getting to know some of our friends on the farm next door. It was such an encouragement to see many of the people in these churches excited about sharing the gospel with their friends, family and neighbors in this community through the Jesus Film.
Pray for this event. We will be showing the film the evening of the 31st of March, just after sunset. Pray for those doing outreach during this week leading up to the event. Pray for our gathering on the 31st. Pray for electricity. Pray for a fresh outpouring of His Holy Spirit during this event and during the time of prayer afterwards. Pray that many people would have their eyes and ears opened to the message of Jesus and respond in faith!
Above is a short 2-minute video with some of the worship, pictures and video clips of our time there. Please excuse me from not appearing in the video as Luke was delayed in his arrival and I had no one to take pics/video while I was sharing.
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