Saturday, May 05, 2012

The Narrow Road

Only a few will find it, unless you're talking about village cows. Kerri took this picture the other day as her and Elise were headed to the Palace to do a bible study with the chief. The fun obstacles we face in everyday driving here in Zambia.

Anyways, the girls have begun meeting every other week with the Chieftainess. Mwame, as we all call her (the Tonga word for chief) has a hard time fellowshipping with other believers at church, because of the disruption caused when a she visits. So, she is left many times to try and grow in her faith alone. The girls were invited to meet with her to begin to study God's word together.

Pray for their continued times together. Pray that God would forge a special bond between these three ladies - one that would cross age and culture. Pray for the Chieftainess, that this would be an opportunity to be fed spiritually.

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