Wednesday, February 15, 2012

20 Years (Part III)

Up until now, I have shared about my life before Christ found me and the day that I responded to His calling by faith. But what about the next 20 years? (And no, don't worry, this post isn't going to detail the next 20 years of my life)

I'd like to say that the next 20 years were a wonderful time of growing in my relationship with the Lord, a time where I no longer struggled with sin (even some of the same sins that I struggled with before I became a Christian), a time where I was happy all the time and everything just seemed to go my way. But that would be a lie and that wouldn't be indicitave of what the Christian life is all about.

God's word is pretty clear. When I join His team, the pressures of life will only intensify because I have now joined a battle in the heavenlies. He never promises to take me out of the trials of life, but I do have something that I didn't have before I became a Christian. I have Him! I have His Spirit living within me to help me through the trials. I have His Spirit to bring to mind the things of Scripture that I need for this life and for my battle with sin, my flesh and the enemy. I have His Spirit to comfort me during the difficult times. I have the power of His Spirit for a life of ministry that brings glory to the Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). I have the ability to approach Him in boldness and talk with Him in prayer.

So, yes, my life wasn't perfect after God invaded my life that evening in February of 1992. I had times of victory, I had times of defeat. I still made mistakes and will continue to do so, but I have a perfect Father who loves me unconditionally, who looks on me with favor, not because of what I have done for him, but because of Christ and his precious sacrifice on my behalf. My life, even though still messy, does show some of the fruit of His life in me. And after 20 years, I feel like I'm just now starting to understand His love, which in turn is helping me to love others. So, the trajectory of my life in Him over the past 20 years, while its had its ups and downs, has been one of slow and steady growth.

So there you go. That's the work that God started in my life 20 years ago and will continue until the day that I finally get to see him face to face. I hope what he has done in me can encourage you wherever you are in the process of knowing Him, whether it be that you're not a believer and are trying to understand this Christian thing better, or if you are struggling in your walk with Him or even if you feel like you know Him well and are growing daily in your relationship with Him.

God Bless!

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