Friday, June 04, 2010

A Visit With Family

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Kerri and I are a little depressed today. Kerri's brother Matt and his wife April have been visiting with us for the past two weeks and left to go home this afternoon. Matthew is an associate pastor with Redeemer Church of Knoxville. So, we put him to work a little while he was here. He had the opportunity to preach in Zambia his first Sunday and then the second week, he taught about "Worship" at our Action Pastors College. We also had a little fun while they were here as well. The video above is just some pictures put together from their trip here. We hope you enjoy.

We love our family and friends dearly. So, it was such a treat to have them come for a visit. But it was also difficult saying goodbye. I think I speak for most, if not all, missionary families when I say that this is the hardest part of missions. It's not living in another culture. It's not adjusting to new foods and languages. It's not learning how to live differently as a family. It's leaving those you love to go and serve. That's one of the hardest things about serving God overseas.

So, when visitors come, it is such a blessing and an encouragement. Thank you Matt and April for making the sacrifice to come and visit. We love and miss you already!

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