Monday, September 21, 2009

Kasempa (Reflections)

I'm sorry for not publishing many posts lately.  I hope the next few weeks will be better.  I didn't want to just put up a post describing our trip to Kasempa without sharing some of the things that God had me processing over that weekend.  So, in no order...

I think God for my Zambian friends
Pastor Kandela, Alex & Laban have been a tremendous asset for learning culture and adjusting to life here in Zambia.  This trip, though, was the first time that we got to spend this much time together.  I think it was an opportunity for us to see each other in an environment where we could just relax and have fun.

The Cultural Gap
Even though this trip was a great opportunity to spend time with some of our best Zambian friends, I was further struck with the fact that even with all I have learned in my first year plus of time here in Zambia, there is still a gap in communication.  There are things that I don't know if I will ever understand, but I am encouraged that the gap is closing.  Pray that it would continue to do so.

God can only work through my weakness
As I look at who I am and try to figure out how and why God would use me in ministry here, I am reminded over and over that "His Strength is Perfected in My Weakness."  If, at any time, I think that there is anything in me, except for Christ, that will make me successful in ministry, then I am in a bad position.  Pray that I would be dependent upon Him.

These were just some of the things that I was processing over the weekend in Kasempa.  I hope for more opportunities to take trips like this in the future.

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