Friday, January 09, 2009

Help Us Help Her

After what happened this week, Kerri and I wanted to make you aware of another health issue facing the daughter of one of our friends in Zambia. An issue eerily similar to what Kerri has been going through. It concerns the daughter of one of the pastors that we work closely with in Zambia, Pastor Ernest Sitali. Please read the correspondence we received from our director.

From Tim Hilty, Action Zambia Director:

"We have a crisis that we would like your help with. The pastor that Graham works most closely with is Ernest Sitali. He pastors Living Waters church and that church runs a very successful community school which Action Zambia works with. A few days ago we discovered that one of his daughters, Lydia Sitali, who is also a teacher at the school, had been sick for about three weeks with the right side of her body paralysed, diminished sight and general confusion about who people were. She was unable to sit up and needed a CAT scan but of the two machines in Zambia, only one was working and that took a 220 mile journey to the town of Kitwe. Tim, our director took her and her parents to have the scan and she is now in a private hospital in Lusaka being operated on. It is very likely that if she had gone back to the government hospital, the main one in the country here in the capital, that she would have died. Hopefully she will pull through but the bill for all this will be in excess of $2000. Some funds have come in but we need more. If you can help with this crisis, it would be so much appreciated."

Kerri and I have both felt the tremendous blessings of being able to be in the States under expert medical care during this past week. We have been extremely thankful for access to all of the latest medicines and technology. Pastor Sitali's daughter doesn't have these privileges. In thinking of her situation, we thought that maybe our trial was a way to bring blessing to her. We just wanted to encourage you to pray about how you might bless this young woman and her family.

If you would like to make a donation to help click here. This link will take you to our financial giving page with Action International. Fill out all pertinent information and in the comments field at the bottom of the donation put 'Medical' in the comments box. Please be sure to put 'Medical' in the comments or we will have no way of identifying the gift as marked for Pastor Sitali's daughter. Thank you for prayerfully considering helping this family in their time of need.

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