Sunday, June 08, 2008

Dumb & Dumber

Last night, Kerri and I climbed into bed and turned on the computer.  We had planned on watching a movie (our most frequent form of entertainment).  So, we put in the movie "Dumb and Dumber" --which we have seen thousands of times.  As soon as the movie started, I fell asleep & Kerri soon after.

Have you ever been exposed to something that effects the way that you think later on?  I do believe this is what happened from us watching the movie last night.  Let me jump ahead.  This morning, I asked Kerri if she would use the shears to give me a haircut.  Mind you, she was sitting at the vanity talking about how she wanted so badly for the power to come back on so she could get ready for church.  I'm giggling as I write this blog.

Anyways, I got the shears, and brought them into the bedroom.  She then went out of her way to then sneak into Maddie's room to get an extension chord.  After successfully retrieving the extension chord, we then had to find a converter because our shears were purchased in the States and could only handle 110 volts.  After plugging the extension cord into the wall, plugging the converter into end of the extension cord, plugging an adapter into the converter & plugging the shears into the adapter, we realized what we already knew--Yep, the power was out!  We just looked at each other and laughed.

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